Then the whole office was ushered into the concourse area where the EMCEE - Fabian Narcis played with them... yeah he played with them...
Asked them important questions about the company and right in front of their bosses... What are Kraft Foods 7 Values...?
They really were the kind of questions you cant afford to NOT know... :)
Then the CHEERLEADERS came on with a specialised routine specially for this NEW BEGINNING! It was to usher in good new vibrations to the company...
Go K. Go R Go A F T... KRAFT... Yeah we ROCK!
The special highlight of the event was the invited guest - Ms Delani Philips who treated all the Kraft employees to some goodies... prepared by Mr. Dieter himself. It is quite a treat to have your MD serve you... seriously.
and even better is that you get to tell him how to improve his skill... :)
They eventually made it back... with loads of goodies... and they all gathered round in their new pantry for a huge feast...
They ended with a Prize Giving ceremony to reward those who worked hard on the Food Treasure Hunt... and those who took very humorous photos of their office move...
Happy Working at your new Office Kraft!!!
A rehash of STOMP.... with a dash of drama...
It is amazing what we can do with a little bit of imagination!
"I am beautiful and there's nothing you can say... "
Beauty is within all of us. It only takes a catalyst to bring it back up to surface...
"Birds flying high... you know how i feel..."
"Butterflies in the sky... you know how i feel..."
"with Scholl Shoes... I am feeling GOOOOOD"
This was performed to the tune of Tai Lui Fah an infamous Chinese Opera... which was definitely an absolute hit with typical chinese shopper...
"All my life I've been waiting for you, You're the answer to all my prayers..." sung to the tune of ni che tau wo chai ten ni ma?... as the performers celebrate their findings...
Skinz Infinite. The perfect solution to your ageing problems.
Dancing to Kau Ilhamku. What do women want, really? Because that is what inspired the production of Skinz Infinite. The skincare that was borne out of the plights and needs of Malaysian women.
"although women are different, deep down inside... they all want the same thing..."
"I dreamed a dream... " the opening number which draws the audience in to the start of the musical. The song which sings of everyone's need to remain youthful and young at heart.