Set in the year 2035, No Limits is a story centered around 2 worlds after the accidental release of an electromagnetic charge from the earth's core that wiped out everyone's memory instantaneously. The only survivor of this catastrophic accident is moon. With the knowledge of what happened, she decides that her destiny was to return people their pasts through the collection of evidence. The story takes an interesting twist when moon's right hand man, Kingsley decides to form a new world by implanting new memories into people. To him, memories are a burden, a baggage - so why inject years of misery, heartbreaks and disappointments into life when we can choose to start anew?
One is striving to return to people the lives they have lost and another, trying to recreate new memory, both claiming to give people back their lives.
Who will win? What is right? What is it that truly drives the human spirit?
One is striving to return to people the lives they have lost and another, trying to recreate new memory, both claiming to give people back their lives.
Who will win? What is right? What is it that truly drives the human spirit?
So, what are you waiting for?
Come and join us in this futuristic journey!!
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